Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Been awhile since I posted....

I mean to do these things, but I don't always have the time. How do all the self-important types do it? Maybe they drink more coffee or something....

Anyway, I had spring break and while it wasn't the crazy road trip I hoped for, I did take time to breathe, process and draw. I started the project with Zach N and its looking good. I hope to keep the quality up and it should be pretty tight.

Other than that, schools back and, well, whatever. Its nice out disc golf is the only option.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Photo bucket

2nd post of the day, a new high. I just uploaded the life drawing portfolio to my newly minted photobucket:
It's been awhile since I updated, but things are in motion, even if the consequences of them are not yet realized... Which is a vague way of saying, first and foremost, that I am making a new comic that you definitely don't want to be sleeping on. I am working with a writer who is just as young, hungry and ambitious as I am and the collaboration is going to be live.

I can't give away everything, but I have posted some production art on my deviant art. Here's a taste with the internet debut of this original, villainous concept sketch:

Anyway, the project will be a real game changer, as it really is going...somewhere.

In a semi/barely related line of thinking I must reflect on life drawing. Actually the connection may be stronger, as the formative life drawing process has already helped immensely with the comic book stuff, especially in the early stages, like character design. Understanding the ribcage, including the backbone and thoracic curve, alone has changed the way I draw people completely. Then understanding the way the hips are formed really did explain the entirety of the torso for me. Maybe it wasn't in a flashbulb, dramatic instant, but it was definitely in a short amount of time where I went from scratching my head to bringing it together. I really can only hope the rest of the body makes as much sense when I through with the class.

For instance, I really don't understand the legs yet, beyond the outside lines marking the contours. Now that I understand the torso so completely, it has really put a fire into me to form the rest of the body in my mind in such a way. This really is my only goal for the 2nd half of the semester. If I can create a mental map of the entire structure of the human body, bones, muscle, skin and fat, life drawing will have been a complete success in my mind.

Portfolio of life drawing coming soon, as well as the Apocalypse and an alien invasi0n.