Monday, February 1, 2010

Febuarys First

I described the above lines as unrepentant, frantic, paranoid and obsessive. How would you describe them?

Allready we've done plenty of homework for lifedrawing. The top three pictures are studies of a live model. The one directly above is a study of my sea shell. If I'm not allready sick of it, I will be soon.

So I've been working on that, thinking about what a want to do, comics wise. Other than that, i saw Sam Mendes latest picture, the criminally ingored and underated Away We Go. It was a fun film and cinematically gorgeuos, in the vain of Mendes other, better recognized work, such as American Beauty and Road to Perdition. Up next for Mendes will be the latest Bond intallment, and it should be good.


  1. I described the lines as hard, exciting, fun, and fast.

  2. 1. Dark
    2. Very Fast
    4. heavy
    5. badass
