Wednesday, May 12, 2010

End of Semester

Well here it is: the life drawing stuff.

I think I achieved what I came to do. I wanted to understand how it all came together (the human body that it) and I think I do. The puzzle pieces come together and make sense to me now. I really am going to take this stuff and run with it. I knew this all along as I could see the difference when I'd do people in Zack N's International Knights Errant. The people made sense, much like the way building made sense after prez tech. The scientific drawing is great and I fully plan on doing it well. Life Drawing is defiantly a part of this and I appreciated the opportunity.

Sense Life Drawing I relaxed, I stopped fretting about evaluation and really understood that life drawing was something I needed to take for myself and if people didn't understand that it didn't matter, because the skills and knowledge would be with me when I've long forgotten about my G.P.A. This really allowed me to hone in on some of the stuff that's really cool, I consistently had these flashbulb moments that put a smile to my face. Like how there's a circular plate on the front of the skull and that's why there's those weird triangular shapes above the sides of the eyebrows. I wouldn't give up a piece of information like that for anything.

ALSO: BREAKING NEWS! I will be helping South African Hommie Darkblood with his conceptual Endorsed Anarchy webcomic Hadies

Things are def. looking up

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