Thursday, February 17, 2011


Back in the studio working hard/boycotting school in Protest of Gov. Walker's Educational Policies. If Teachers and Professors are already criminally under-paid and over-educated and Wisconsin Teachers in particular are paid less that educators from the surrounding states, how important is a 10-20% reduction in yearly income. The answer, of course, is that it is a pretty big deal. So shouts out to all the Professors, Teachers and Students rallying.

For my Mapping Project Final I has several studies and this:
Which is a horrible, oversimplified perspective drawing. I had to explain my idea, I went in and laid it out on some Canson Water Color Paper. Now it looks like this:

Here is an early detail:
The center of this project is really simple. I structured it off the mathematics that I thought the World around me was based off of. This math looks a bit like a bulls-eye, a dot, a circle, a circle around a circle. This begins to generate circles radiating outwardly in some form of reproduction from the original nexus. A strict mapping of this concept would be repetitive and lack asymmetrical balance. It would look like either: a target or a Rorschach Card. It would look like a Rorschach card in that it mirrored itself, was perfectly symmetrical and evoked a wide variety of figurative references. Anything that mirrors itself is inherently figurative.

To present these ideas I put them into competing third perspectives. In this unexpected 3-D interpretation of linear philosophy I have created a unique original composition.

Now I need to finalize the drawing by pushing the contrast. coming soon!

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